Collection: Soap for Incarcerated People Campaign
People incarcerated across the nation have shared their struggles of obtaining essential hygiene products such as basic soap and sanitizer. In fact, hand sanitizer is often considered contraband in certain facilities.
To address the shortage of hygiene products in prisons, Benevolence Farm is partnering with the Human Kindness Foundation to provide our custom-made Lavender soap to incarcerated men at the Orange Correctional Center in Hillsborough, NC. The Human Kindness Foundation will purchase the first 100 bars of soap and deliver it to men incarcerated at the Correctional Center at no cost.
Catherine Dumas, Executive Director of Human Kindness Foundation stated: “Human Kindness Foundation is excited to see the women of Benevolence Farm succeeding in their farm-based business at the same time that they’re sending something wonderful to people who are still incarcerated. Soap may seem like a small thing, but when you only have access to institutional products, receiving a high-quality gift made by people who care can make a big difference.”
“Unfortunately, we have failed as a community to protect the lives of incarcerated people, both before and during this pandemic,” said Kristen Powers, Executive Director of Benevolence Farm. “By providing incarcerated men with soap created by formerly incarcerated women who are paid a living wage, we hope to send a message to those who are incarcerated that someone does care about you. We will fight to ensure you are safe and healthy during this incredibly stressful time.”
In order to continue to provide soap beyond the initial 100 bars, we need your help! Consider purchasing a bar of soap on behalf of an incarcerated person here. Not only will you provide essential hygiene products, you will also contribute to the living wages of Benevolence Farm residents, formerly incarcerated women, who make soap as part of our program.
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